How to Choose the Best Weighted Blanket in Hong Kong?

Are you looking for a weighted blanket but are not sure which one would be the most suitable for you? Weighted blankets started gaining its popularity in Asia in recent years. Before purchasing one, some might question what the main functions are and how to select the best blanket in Hong Kong. We present to […]

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How are mattress tested – ALL you need to know (complete version)

How are mattresses tested? An overview Right – we heard you. As we received many request upon publishing out last How are mattresses tested? post, we decided to give you what you want – an overview and detailed version of this topic. Surely you have been confronted with this situation yourself – you want to buy a […]

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Hong Kong Mattress Comparison and Review

Buying a mattress isn’t easy. There are so many different brands and types of mattresses to choose from. As you spend roughly a third of your time in bed, you shouldn’t just choose the next best mattress, but rather take the time to compare different mattresses. Knowing what to look for when deciding on a […]

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What is the best mattress for back pain?

When we suffer from back pain or a stiff neck, we don’t often think our mattress might be the culprit. However, since we spend roughly 8 hours each night in bed, it should be quite obvious how important a good mattress is to spinal health. If you don’t have the right mattress you might start […]

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Should every mattress company offer the 100 Night Trial period?

A couple of weeks ago, I was having coffee with a few good friends of mine. Interestingly, the topic of mattress was brought up by a friend of ours who have been recently relocated to Hong Kong. She has been searching around for a good mattress and stumbled across brands such as Skyler, Noa, Emma, Sea […]

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Buying a mattress: what should you look out for?

Buying a mattress can be quite tricky. There are so many different models to choose from, each promising to give you the best night’s sleep. But how do you actually go about buying a mattress? We’ve put together a list of things to look out for and do, when buying a mattress. Compare mattresses You […]

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Sleep deprivation: causes and solutions

Sleep deprivation is a common problem in Hong Kong. It is described as the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep. While many people don’t get enough sleep at night, not everyone is aware of the health effects a lack of sleep can have. It can have a serious impact on your day-to-day life and […]

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How are mattresses tested?

One of the most common questions that people ask when purchasing a new mattress is “Which mattress is the best?“. Reading mattress reviews and even comments left by customers are great ways to help decide which mattress should you buy. Mattress review, in particular, are extremely helpful. They give you in-depth information about different aspects […]

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